Attract Clients More Easily 
Therapy Growth Group

Do You:

  • Struggle to get consistent enquiries and feel worried every time a client ends?
  • Feel disappointed that your private practice is not making you enough income?
  • Wonder how you can increase client enquiries when you’ve already tried using methods like advertising on directories?
Josephine Hughes discusses whether counsellors should register with the ICO

Getting a steady stream of clients is possible, even when you’ve tried it all before

  • There are plenty of potential clients who are looking for help
  • You already have what they need
  • When you know what clients are looking for, attracting them becomes easier

I’ve got 21 clients, so over capacity really, and two on a waiting list.

I wouldn’t have been able to get to this stage without all your wonderful support and resources and kindness and encouragement. I feel like I’ve stopped sleepwalking through the day and have fallen in love with my work as a therapist again – thank you SO much!

Charlotte Clements

Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Establish a successful private practice with a consistent flow of enquiries

Therapy Growth Group includes:

  • The Make Your Profile Work training so that you can write an effective directory listing (worth £99)
  • Complimentary access to the Find Your Next Five Clients training (worth £97)
  • Group coaching calls to help you get clients (worth £180 per month)
  • Ethical Client Conversion Guide (worth £99)
  • Easy to use templates, checklists and workbooks to simplify the process of attracting clients (saving you hours of time)
  • Weekly accountability calls so you get things done
  • Monthly Peer Supervision (worth £30) and Connections calls so that you can meet and gain support from fellow therapists
  • Weekly social media guidance to produce topical and effective posts (worth £40)
  • A private supportive Facebook group

    Over £500 of value which you can access for £50 per month.  There’s no minimum membership, you can cancel at the end of the first month and will not be charged again.

    Ready to Attract More Clients?

    Therapy Growth Group can help you attract clients and build a successful private practice.

    I am so grateful today. After doing your course on finding clients and refining my niche I am in such a different place. I now have a full practice, I love making a difference to peoples lives and love my client work. I am very grateful to you for your guidance and care – Thank You

    Nigel Spencer


    What’s included:

    • Tried and tested strategies to implement straight away so that you can attract clients quickly and focus on counselling
    • Feedback and support so that you can get answers to your questions and choose the right track
    • Email templates, cheat sheets and prompts to help with your marketing – so that you don’t have to waste time wondering what to say or whether you’re being unethical

    About Your Mentor – Josephine Hughes

    I created Therapy Growth Group because I could see counsellors struggling to attract a steady stream of clients to their private practice. This left them feeling:

    • Anxious when a client ends or there’s a gap in enquiries
    • Self-critical, thinking it’s their fault they can’t make it work
    • Fearful that they’ll never be able to earn a living as a counsellor and that their years of training may go to waste

    But it is possible to have a successful private practice – if you have the right strategies in place.

    With over ten years’ experience in attracting paying clients to my counselling and coaching practice – together with supporting thousands of counsellors through my groups in the past five years – I know exactly what it takes to build a successful private practice.

    My strategies have helped numerous counsellors to get fully booked.

    Which is what inspired me to create Therapy Growth Group.

    Don’t take my word for it.  Here’s what counsellors I’ve worked with say about my help to build successful private practices.

    My practice is now full and I may have to start a waiting list.

    Fiona Hewkin


    My counselling spaces have all been taken and I’m referring new enquiries to other counsellors and directories on a weekly basis.

    Jennifer Snow


    I’m absolutely snowed under with work so seemingly I am successful in private practice.

    Lynsey Judson


    Worried that the ideas won’t work for you?

    Here’s why you don’t need to be:

    • All the strategies have worked for either myself or other therapists I’ve worked with
    • You can get feedback on your ideas and your marketing and support for any difficulties from Josephine and other members of the group
    • There’s also support in the form of templates, checklists and prompts if you’re stuck

    I’m much more confident and I feel I can try new things to be visible and get more clients. I can highly recommend Josephine to help you with your business. It’s given me back my ‘mojo.

    Julie Wales

    Therapy Growth Group Member

    Frequently Asked Questions


    What’s Included in Therapy Growth Group?

    • Access to the Make Your Profile Work training and live implementation, including feedback
    • Complimentary access to Find Your Next Five Clients
    • Lots of training on different strategies to attract clients and how to implement them
    • Support for you as your market and run your practice, including monthly Peer Supervision
    • Weekly accountability and coaching calls to help you get things done
    • Templates, checklists and workbooks
    • Weekly social media prompts to help you know what to post


    I have a full private practice and a waiting list.

    Pip Crunden

    Therapy Growth Group Member


    How much is Therapy Growth Group?

    £50 per month.  You can cancel your membership at any time – there’s no minimum membership period.


    How long do I get access to the resources?

    As long as you remain in membership


    How will I get access to the resources?

    They’re hosted on Josephine’s course platform and you’ll receive immediate access when you pay for membership.

    I’ve found being a member so very useful, my practice has filled up and I feel much more confident about marketing myself effectively.

    Rebecca Capper

    Therapy Growth Group Member


    What is Make Your Profile Work?

    Make Your Profile Work is a short course followed by an implementation week where you can work through each section of your profile and receive feedback from Josephine and your peers as you go.  It enables you to clarify who you’re trying to reach and how to write in a way that works. The next implementation week is scheduled for 24th June 2024. 

    This has been such a rich week. I honestly don’t know what my profile would look like if I’d tried drafting it without your guidance and feedback and the feedback from everyone else in the group. You made a very daunting task feel much more manageable. I’m so chuffed to have a complete first draft, which I feel comfortable with. And then ideas and feedback to further enhance it. I’m feeling more confident than I would have been to launch my private practice and put myself out there.
    Samantha McDaid

    Therapy Growth Group Member

    Fear of Doing Something Wrong

    Who is Therapy Growth Group suitable for?

    Therapy Growth Group is suitable for you if:

    • You’re just getting started with your practice and need to find clients
    • You’ve got a private practice but would like to attract more clients in a more consistent way
    • You’d like help with practice issues such as raising your fee, working more efficiently and growing a second stream of income

    Therapy Growth Group has been designed for UK counsellors and psychotherapists and is open to qualified counsellors who meet professional registration requirements, including UKCP “Trainee” psychotherapists.

    I’ve been getting good enquiries that have easily converted into clients.

    Laura Talanti

    Therapy Growth Group Member


    Who is Therapy Growth Group not suitable for?

    • Therapists who have no intention of running a private practice
    • Counsellors who do not have a qualification that enables them to practice professionally.  This is usually indicated by registration with BACP or NCPS, or being a Trainee Psychotherapist with UKCP
    • Counsellors and Psychotherapists outside the UK who will find aspects of the course do not apply to their local laws and regulations

    What kind of results can I expect if I join Therapy Growth Group?

    Sadly, there’s no magic wand.  All the strategies recommended have worked for counsellors and therapists who have worked with Josephine – many of whom fill their practice – but running any small business requires resilience, dedication and commitment.

    Counsellors and psychotherapists who work diligently and consistently to implement the strategies in Therapy Growth Group are normally rewarded with a profitable practice. There’s a lot of help within the group to support you in this process – but ultimately, success depends on you.


    What happens if I join Therapy Growth Group and don’t feel it’s suitable for me? Can I get a refund?

    Cancel your subscription and you will not be charged again. As you are able to make use of Therapy Growth Group resources immediately, we will only offer refunds in limited circumstances at our discretion.

    Terms & Conditions: Please click HERE to read the terms and conditions for membership.

    Your valuable input, help  and support has helped me receive enquiries and I am currently full now in private practice. When I first joined your group, I thought I would give it a go and I am so grateful that I did . It has open my eyes and has reduced my imposter syndrome, and I get to work with the clients I feel I can help with my niche.

    Kate Bailey

    Therapy Growth Group Member

    Ready to grow Your Therapy Practice?

    I am feeling optimistic and since joining the Therapy Growth Group have steadily grown my clients.  Your group is a wonderful resource and I have found it a great help

    Wendy Russell

    Therapy Growth Group