Attract New Clients

21 Ways for Counsellors to Attract New Clients



Download your free guide to reach more clients

Are you looking to fill your private practice?

Have you got gaps in your schedules you’d like to fill?

– or know that you’ll have clients ending in the next few months?

Maybe you’ve tried the usual suggestions and they’re not working?

So you’re looking for new ideas and you’d like some tried and tested strategies.

21 Ways for Counsellors to Attract New Clients:

  • Have all worked for real counsellors
  • Are simple and easy to implement
  • Are helpfully divided so you can see what will work quickly and what you can implement for the longer term

Download the FREE guide 21 Ways for Counsellors to Attract Clients so that you can stop worrying about where your next client is coming from and concentrate on changing lives.

Does that sound like something you need?

Josephine Hughes, a BACP Accredited Counsellor, has worked with hundreds of counsellors to implement client attracting strategies.  

“I’ve been getting a steady stream of clients” – Nina Weltrowska

“My private practice is full with a waiting list” – Alice Davies

“I am absolutely snowed under with work” – Lynsey Judson