“The most important factor in business is not what you know, or your technical wizardry, but your mindset.
If you work on your mindset, the rest will follow.“
Find your purpose, your voice and your clients
- Do you feel envious of other counsellors who seem to be making a success of their practice and wish you could too?
- Do you have ideas about what you should do, but find it all a bit overwhelming and you don’t know where to start?
- Do you worry that you’ll be left behind and there will be no clients for you?
If you’ve ever thought that you’d like a successful business but that somehow, it’s not for people like you, I’ve got news for you.
You can do it!
“Your belief about yourself is the most telling factor in determining your level of success and happiness”
– Wayne Dyer
Is this right for you?
This Mastermind Programme is ideal for you:
- If you have a private practice but you need more income
- If you don’t have a private practice yet, and you don’t know where to start
- Or if you’re simply stuck
… you know you need clients so that you can get paid but nothing you try seems to work
… if you feel frustrated and envious of othercounsellors who seem to sail through to successful practice
… if you’re doubting your ability and feel like giving up.
This Mastermind Programme is NOT for you:
- If you think that your attitude has nothing to do with business success
- If you’re unwilling to be coached and take action
- If you don’t want to work with a group of supportive counsellors.
Actionable, practical advice to overcome the blocks and find your clients
You probably already know about the “stuff” you have to do – you’ve probably read all about it in Facebook groups and watched in awe at other counsellors implementing it.
However, when you sit down to get started, you don’t start. Projects get put to one side and you doubt that you’ve got what it takes. Or else, you try and get started, but you give up because it doesn’t seem to be working or you feel overwhelmed.
That’s frustrating because you know it’s possible – other people manage it – so what’s the problem with you?
There is no problem with you. You just need some help.
That’s what my “I am Enough” Mastermind is all about. It’s about helping you to overcome the blocks that are holding you back so that you can get more clients. During the course of the Mastermind:
You’ll choose to take action on your business goals
…so that you’ll feel empowered and make your dreams a reality. You’ll stop waiting for the solution and you’ll create your own. You’ll find the motivation to do the work to get more clients and make your business a success.
You’ll make peace with your inner critic and get on with your marketing
…so that you actually get started and make real progress. You’ll be able to take your eye off the little details and get out there! Because if you’re paralyzed with fear of being imperfect, the people who need your help will never find you.
You’ll get the confidence to get clients
… so that you’ll stop feeling stuck in a rut comparing yourself to others. You’ll be able to focus on being you. You’ll focus on your OWN track! And that means you’ll focus on the clients that you can help and what they need. You’ll be clearer in your communication and you’ll attract more clients.
Does that sound like something you need?
I have gained such clarity
Before I started working with Josephine I was all over the place with no real focus. Now I feel I’m much more confident and I feel I can try new things to be visible and get more clients. I can highly recommend Josephine to help you with your business. It’s given me back my ‘mojo’.
Yes. Let's get started
You can do this

New clients are coming in!
Before I started coaching with Jo, I was getting so frustrated with myself. I’d get so far but then become completely overwhelmed, wallow in self-doubt then stay rooted to the spot.
Since working with Jo, she has helped me to “get my house in order.” She’s given me great practical tips and leads, helped me unjumble my thoughts and ideas and encouraged me to stay focused, all of which have allowed me to keep moving forward in a way that’s manageable for me.
I’ve now got a successful business page on social media, a brand new website and new clients coming in.
Working with Jo is like having an invisible sat nav, she shows you the best routes to try but allows you to be in the driving seat
The best money I’ve ever spent. This was exactly what I needed.
I have one failed business behind me, so the thought of launching my private practice as a counsellor and therapeutic coach was daunting. I have the business skills, but I really felt like I didn’t know where to start. I came across Jo’s Facebook group and coaching videos and learned so much that I went ahead and booked an exploratory session and three further sessions.
I can honestly say it was the best money I’ve ever spent. Jo combines excellent, actionable practical advice and tools with a counsellor’s warmth, empathy and unconditional positive regard. It was exactly what I need. I’ve now figured out who my ideal client it, started rewriting my website and published a blog post on LinkedIn, all from pretty much a standing start. Thank you, Jo!
What’s Included in the I Am Enough Mastermind?
If you’ve never experienced a mastermind, you’re in for a treat. It’s a unique group coaching experience that gives you access to business coaching without the high price tag.
This is a 16 week programme that runs from October to February (yes, there’s time off for Christmas!) and includes the following:
- A monthly group coaching call of 60-90 minutes to support you in your business goals
- A monthly mindset training call where we talk in more depth about the things that hold you back and work out ways round them
- Business strategy calls to help you attract clients
- A 2020 Business Planning Seminar so that you start the year with a clear route to follow
- A dedicated Facebook group to get to know each other and receive daily support.
- Weekly Q&A calls with Josephine in the Facebook group.
Yes. Let's get started

Want to Know More?
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Dates of the Mastermind?
The Mastermind officially starts on Monday 21st October but people will be joining the group and introducing themselves from the week before. There will be a break for Christmas – although support will still be available via the Facebook group – and the Mastermind will conclude on Friday 21st February
What Days and Times are the Calls?
At the moment, there are three types of calls planned (times are UK London):
Mindset Call on Tuesdays at 8.00pm
Business Strategy Call on Tuesdays at 2.00pm
Business Coaching Call on Fridays at 10.00am
But don’t worry if you can’t make those times. See the next question.
I Won’t Be Able to Attend All Those Calls – Does that Matter?
Each of the calls will be recorded and available in the group so that you can catch up. You are also able to ask questions in the Facebook group and I will answer them there or in the calls.
If it is very difficult for members of the group to make a certain time or day, I may mix the schedule up to ensure they are able to attend some of the coaching calls.
How Much Does the Mastermind Cost?
I paid over £2000 for my first coaching package. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t aware of the benefits of that investment! As this is the first time I’m offering my Mastermind, I have priced it at a very competitive £600.
Can I Pay by Instalments?
Counsellors have told me on average they pay £160 per month for therapy so I have aranged for you to pay in five instalments of £120.
Is It Safe to Pay Online?
My payments are handled securely by Stripe which is a recognised online payment provider. I do not have access to your card details.
What If I Change My Mind?
By UK law, all online payments are covered by a 14 day refund policy, less the cost of any coaching sessions that have already taken place.
It is scary to sign up to a coaching programme and to commit yourself. Please talk to me if you have any concerns or worries as these are often part of the process.