Find More Clients in Less Time
with the
Find Your Next Five Clients Course

Do You:

  • Struggle to get consistent enquiries and feel worried every time a client ends?
  • Feel disappointed that your private practice is not attracting enough clients and income?
  • Feel like you’ve tried every client attraction strategy out there and you’re still not getting results?
Josephine Hughes discusses whether counsellors should register with the ICO

Finding your next five clients doesn’t have to take a lot of time, money or marketing knowledge.

  •  Some ways of getting referrals take moments to implement.
  • There’s a number of ways to market yourself for free.
  • You’ve got more resources at your fingertips than you realise and this course will help you find them

Establish a successful private practice with a consistent flow of enquiries

Find Your Next Five Clients includes:

  • Training on a range of simple to implement client attracting strategies
  • All the obvious methods including how to write directory entries, how to approach companies and EAPs, and how to create a referral network – together with less well talked about methods, including how to do them
  • Information on handling enquiries together with on boarding and off boarding processes to maximise client engagement
  • What gets in the way of your marketing and what to do about it
  • Easy to use templates, checklists and prompts to simplify the process

All delivered in short audio presentations between 5-15 minutes long so that you can complete the training on the go – or if you prefer, you can read the accompanying PDF e-book instead.

Ready to Find Your Next Five Clients?

Find Your Next Five Clients can help you attract clients and build a successful private practice.

What’s included:

  • Tried and tested marketing strategies to implement straight away so that you can attract clients quickly and focus on counselling
  • Short, focused lessons so you can pick what you need and don’t have to spend hours learning – you can even listen on the go
  • Email templates, cheat sheets and prompts so that you don’t have to waste time worrying about what to say or whether you’re being unethical

About Your Trainer – Josephine Hughes

I created Find Your Next Five Clients because I could see counsellors struggling to attract a steady stream of clients to their private practice. This left them feeling:

  • Anxious when a client ends or there’s a gap in enquiries
  • Self-critical, thinking it’s their fault they can’t make it work
  • Fearful that they’ll never be able to earn a living as a counsellor and that their years of training may go to waste

But it is possible to have a successful private practice – if you have the right strategies in place.

With over ten years’ experience in attracting paying clients to my counselling and coaching practice – together with supporting thousands of counsellors through my groups in the past five years – I know exactly what it takes to build a successful private practice.

My strategies have helped numerous counsellors to get fully booked.

Which is what inspired me to create Find Your Next Five Clients.

Don’t take my word for it.  Here’s what counsellors I’ve worked with say about my help to build successful private practices.

“I’m literally bouncing off the wall with ideas of how to develop my business , overcome my tendency to procrastinate, move forward with things I’ve felt stuck with and how to market myself to be attractive to clients, brilliant!”

Heidi Francis

Personal Coachee

“My counselling spaces have all been taken and I’m referring new enquiries to other counsellors and directories on a weekly basis.”

Jennifer Snow

Therapy Growth Group Member

“I’m absolutely snowed under with work so seemingly I am successful in private practice.”

Lynsey Judson

Personal Coachee

Worried that the ideas won’t work for you?

Here’s why you don’t need to be: 

  • All the strategies have worked for either myself or other therapists I’ve worked with
  • You’ll have the opportunity to work through the mindset issues that get in the way
  • There’s support in the form of templates, checklists and prompts if you’re stuck

I’m much more confident and I feel I can try new things to be visible and get more clients. I can highly recommend Josephine to help you with your business. It’s given me back my ‘mojo.”

Julie Wales

Mastermind Member

If it weren’t for Josephine I would have still been sat behind my screen – hiding.

Yasmin Shaheen Jaffar

Personal Coachee

Frequently Asked Questions


What’s Included in Find Your Next Five Clients?

  • Training on a range of client-attracting strategies together with ideas on how to earn money in your private practice by working with other organisations
  • Help with common difficulties counsellors encounter when marketing their practice
  • 11 audio lessons between 5-15 minutes long, a PDF e-book, and templates, checklists and prompts


I have a full private practice and a waiting list.”

Pip Crunden

Therapy Growth Group Member


How much is Find Your Next Five Clients?



How long do I get access to the resources?

You’ll receive “lifetime access”.  Lifetime in this context means the lifetime of the product as it will be withdrawn once the strategies become out of date.


How will I get access to the resources?

They’re hosted on Josephine’s course platform and you’ll receive immediate access when you pay for the course.


What is the difference between Find Your Next Five Clients and Therapy Growth Group?

Find Your Next Five Clients is a one-off, self-study course whereas Therapy Growth Group includes group coaching, peer support and an in-depth library of resources.

Fear of Doing Something Wrong

Who is Find Your Next Five Clients suitable for?

Find Your Next Five Clients is suitable for you if:

  • You’re just getting started with your practice and need to find clients
  • You’re looking for new ways to attract clients – so you can generate more consistent and predictable income
  • You’ve got a steady flow of clients – but you’d love to be fully booked – and would welcome some fresh marketing ideas

It’s also suitable for you if you think you’ve tried every marketing idea going … and it hasn’t worked for you.

Find Your Next Five Clients has been designed for UK counsellors and psychotherapists.

“I’ve been getting good enquiries that have easily converted into clients.”

Laura Talanti

Therapy Growth Group Member


Who is Find Your Next Five Clients not suitable for?

  • Therapists who have no intention of running a private practice
  • Counsellors who do not have a qualification that enables registration with a UK professional association such as BACP or NCPS
  • Counsellors and Psychotherapists outside the UK who will find aspects of the course do not apply to their local laws and regulations

What kind of results can I expect if I buy Find Your Next Five Clients?

Counsellors and psychotherapists who work diligently and consistently to implement the marketing strategies listed in Find Your Next Five Clients are normally rewarded with a profitable practice.  However, success depends on you and how much work you’re prepared to do.


What happens if I buy your course and don’t feel it’s suitable for me? Can I get a refund?

All the strategies listed in the course are tried and tested ways for generating client enquiries.  As you are able to make use of the Course immediately, we will only offer refunds in limited circumstances at our discretion.

Terms & Conditions: Please click HERE to read the terms and conditions for sale.

I was getting enquiries leading to appointments at a slow pace.  I have now had 5 people contact me since Thursday.  3 are booked in already.  Thank you.

Jianna Denny

Facebook User

Ready to find your next five clients?

Working with Jo is like having an invisible sat nav, she shows you the best routes to try but allows you to be in the driving seat.

Samantha Lee

Personal Coachee